
Welcome to a brand new nerd magazine giving you the latest in the world of small press!
Whether you're a geeky individual looking for a new horror novel, or a comic book shop seeking your next big comic series, then take a peek here!

Website Updated
We figured it was time for a fresh look, so the ASAP Imagination site has had a makeover. We have a new look, along with new collections, a new magazine, new merch, and more! All under one roof!
Click the image below and take a look around!

Print on Demand Now Available
We now offer print on demand! We are in the process of making our books available to readers at a click of a button to reduce ship times.

Sister Grim Update
Sister Grim comic books have arrived at long last, along with prints and stickers! Packing is underway, so if you backed the Kickstarter campaign, keep your eyes on your mailboxes in the next couple of weeks!

Comic Trailer
Click the image below to check the dystopian world of Dog Eaters out with the official trailer.

Featured Creator
Author of Across the Astral Frontier - Christian Prosperie. Click image to watch his 5in5 interview.

Your Sneak Peek
Huge thank you to Dre 'Da Brute' Daniels for donating his incredible first issue of Treble as this issue's SNEEK PEEK!
Click the image to claim your free comic.

Comic Review
Click on Captain Promo
Comic Strip