DIGITAL DOWNLOAD - The Order of The Twelve Tribes Book 4 - Prodigies and Legends

DIGITAL DOWNLOAD - The Order of The Twelve Tribes Book 4 - Prodigies and Legends

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Avery McKinnon has always had the ability to see into the future. But one day, she sees something so terrible, she would do anything to prevent it coming to pass – including traveling in time and risking all the paradoxes.

In the fey realm, the Seelie Court prepares to remove a tyrant from power – a necessary undertaking that comes with its own uncertainties.

If all goes well, no one Avery loves will die, a dark elf will be punished for his crimes, and halfbreeds everywhere will be safe, on both sides of the Veil. And there will be graduations, family rifts resolved, and new additions welcomed to the Annex.

She has to succeed.

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