NOW AVAILABLE - Path of The Pale Rider Graphic Novel
NOW AVAILABLE - Path of The Pale Rider Graphic Novel
NOW AVAILABLE - Path of The Pale Rider Graphic Novel
NOW AVAILABLE - Path of The Pale Rider Graphic Novel
NOW AVAILABLE - Path of The Pale Rider Graphic Novel
NOW AVAILABLE - Path of The Pale Rider Graphic Novel

NOW AVAILABLE - Path of The Pale Rider Graphic Novel

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March 5, 2020, Death has changed. Every person, animal, insect, and fish everywhere in the world remains in their body even after a heartbeat is no longer present. Humans scramble to survive and watch society crumble around them.‬
Setting off into the chaos, Jude St. Clair journeys through riots, conspiracy theories, unfriendly faces, and undead bears with the hopes of finding a answers. ‬
In a post-death world, we explore what it means to be human and the determination to continue when all odds are against you. Will Jude St. Clair be able to set the world right or will he succumb to an eternity of decay?‬

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