DIGITAL DOWNLOAD - Serial Club Issue 1

DIGITAL DOWNLOAD - Serial Club Issue 1

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Sick, Depraved and morally corrupt, all the criteria you need to be a member of…The Serial Club.

Two beautiful, but down on their luck strippers, hustling and doing what they gotta do to make ends meet, both attempting to break a cycle of bad choices in their lives while being stalked by a well-organized club of serial killers.

The Club’s plan, is to take their delectable prey to their “Playhouse” – a warehouse with a massive array of elaborate torture devices, mazes, booby traps and twisted games of sadistically bad intentions!

Unbeknownst to the Serial Killers, one of their delicious prey has an extremely violent past and skill set of her own… a past that might make their “Playhouse Games” a nightmare for the Serial Club members!

A comic book series by Greg Nichols


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