DIGITAL DOWNLOAD - Misadventures of Meonstoke Volume 3

DIGITAL DOWNLOAD - Misadventures of Meonstoke Volume 3

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Ravaged by the undead, the unholy and the demonic is a realm ‘Beyond The Worm’, where god-fearing mortals rarely dare to tread for fear of losing their eternal soul to its ever-hungry inhabitants.

One such man however was Ermin Meonstoke, who willingly sacrificed his spirit to save the world from an overwhelming invasion of brain-hungry zombies, bone-sucking ghouls, and blood-drinking devils.

Over a decade later, his father still seeks a portal to ‘Beyond The Worm”, so he can battle Ermin’s captors with a pair of antique firing pistols and save his offspring’s soul from ever-lasting damnation.

A comic book series by Simon Moore

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